My aunt posted this on my Facebook page today, and I liked it.
Just a quick update. I had a follow up MRI today, to check to see how my breast cancer is responding to my chemo at the halfway point. I've been a little anxious and nervous about it for a couple of reasons. 1) because MRI's suck! I get so uncomfortable laying in the tube, on my stomach, arms over your head for 45 minutes, and you can't move. And 2) the fear of the results... I have had a lot of fear of the unknown lately. Naturally one going thru cancer thinks about the "what if's." What if this isn't working? What if It is spreading? What if I don't live til my daughters 10th birthday? These thoughts have crossed my mind..a lot. But don't worry.... I have the proper pep talks with myself to snap out of the negative. One night I couldn't sleep and was feeling a bit depressed, so I forced myself to only read about successful breast cancer stories online. It helps to just only focus on he positive. I even googled bible versus and quotes to give me some positive energy. No one will beat this with the wrong attitude, so I refuse to be the negative Nancy.
Well guess what my friends.... CANCER MESSED WITH THE WRONG GIRL! I am happy to report that I got my MRI RESULTS back and my chemo is working! I am 3 rounds down out of 6, and was told today that it appears to have responded at an 85-90% response rate! The radiologist who read my results is very pleased! And this is just the halfway point on chemo! This is the best news I could have gotten.
So F you Cancer! You messed with the wrong girl! I fully expect to KICK YOUR A**!!
Yay!!!!!! I'm so happy to hear of your awesome results! Way to go Angie, I knew you could keep the positive attitude to kick cancers ass!! Keep pushing girlfriend!!!!