Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1 Week In...

It's been one week since I had my first chemotherapy treatment. The first couple of days, I had no side effects and felt pretty good! Good enough to celebrate on New Years Eve with friends and watch the Hawkeyes get destroyed in the Rose Bowl. Over the weekend the fatigue really set in. I had no energy and very achy muscles. I started to perk up Sunday and was able to go to work on Monday and Tuesday. So, no nausea, but I seem to get tired pretty easily.

Well, today I went in for bloodwork and got some shocking results. My white blood cell counts had dropped A LOT! Before chemo, my wbc count was a 12. Today, it was a 1.2! So, yes it's true chemo kills your wbc count. I figured it was low but I didn't think it would be that low. Today they gave me a Neulasta shot that is supposed to increase my WBC production in my bone marrow. I have to get 1 more of these shots tomorrow, so hopefully that helps.

So, here is what I've learned in the last week about chemo. 1) First of all, you really do need to take care of yourself and take it easy. I've been doing my best to carry on with life as normally as possible, but in reality, with a weakened immune system, I have to make sure I am not getting sick. I'm starting to think I can't work full days like I was hoping to. I need to change my mind set to "focus on me first." This is a hard thing for me to do. 2) I'm thankful I have not experienced any nausea from the chemo, but I am experiencing some other crappy side effects (diarrhea, neuropathy in my lips, extreme fatigue, and body aches). All of this is normal they say, but not exactly pleasant. 3) Lastly, I am still doing well, I just need to slow down. I'm really hoping these shots will bring my WBC count back up to where it should be, and when it does I hope I will feel a little more energy! I hate not having enough energy to care for the kids at night, but they also keep me going in the right direction. The last thing I want the kids to think is "mom is sick. She can't take care of us." 

We have had a lot of help and offers from many to bring meals, watch the kids, and run errands. I appreciate everything those have done a great deal! We have a large and powerful support system from many, and that also keeps me motivated and moving in the right direction. Thanks to you all, and please keep praying for a positive outcome!


1 comment:

  1. Always appreciate your updates!!! Praying for you every day!!!
